Inspiring Talks on Technology, Sustainability, and Collaboration

Filiz Altıntürk presenting at the Women in Tech Conference
I love sharing my knowledge and experiences at conferences. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of speaking at events ranging from local meetups to larger tech conferences.

My talks are rooted in real-world front-end challenges, with a focus on practical solutions and inspiring discussions. Whether it’s diving into performance optimization or exploring modern development trends, I enjoy connecting with audiences and sparking new ideas.

  • WTM Antalya - Speaker

    Front-End Technologies and Performance

  • PHP Conf - Speaker

    1 second of Front-End

  • WTM Istanbul - Speaker

    1 second of Front-End

  • JAMStack Istanbul - Speaker

    Website Performance

  • DevFestW Istanbul - Speaker

    Hipster Front-End Development